


3世紀~三国志と邪馬台国~ Romance of the Three Kingdoms of China and Yamatai of Japan

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前(2世紀~ローマの平和と紙と仏像~) ←   → 次(4世紀~認められたキリスト教~



The 3rd century was a time when new powers rose one after another. In the Eastern Han (東漢), which was in confused due to the Yellow Turban Rebellion, powerful people such as Cao Cao(曹操) of Wei (魏) dynasty emerged. Those who opposed him were Liu Bei (劉備) of Shu Han(蜀漢) dynasty and Sun Quan(孫權) of Wu(吳)dynasty. The era of the famous “Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三國志)” has arrived.







Wei later destroyed Shu Han and took control of northern China. However, Wei was replaced by Sima Yan (司馬炎)of Western Jin (晋/西晋) in 265. In the latter half of the 3rd century, the Western Jin dynasty defeated Wu and temporarily unified China. But the “War of the Eight Princes(八王之乱)” occurred at the end of the 3rd century, so this prosperity did not last long.



On the Korean Peninsula, with the fall of the Han(漢) Dynasty, the Goguryeo in the north expanded. In the south there lived a people called “Han(韓)”, and around this time they were divided into three groups: Mahan, Byeonhan, and Jinhan. These would later develop into the kingdom of Baekje, Silla and so on.




In Japan, there was once a king who sent envoys to the Easter Han. During this period there were also countries that sent envoys to Wei. A representative country is Yamatai-koku(邪馬台国). It was said that Queen Himiko(卑弥呼) unified the surrounding countries by allying with the mighty Wei. Her existence is still a mysterious figure, including that where Yamatai-koku was, this is because there was no written language in Japan at that time, and the only source that tells the details is a Chinese literature; in the case of Himiko, the “Gishi-Wajinden(魏志倭人伝)”: story about Japanese in the history of Wei.



In the Middle East, a great empire reappears in 224, The Sassanid Empire. This dynasty, founded by Ardashir I, destroyed the Parthian kingdom and restored the Persian dynasty. Shahpur I, who ascended the throne in 241, attacked the Kushan dynasty in northern India, causing this dynasty to decline. In the west, there were frequent battles with the Roman Empire over the border. In 260, Shapur I captured the Roman emperor Valerian, who was on the front lines in present-day Turkey (Battle of Edessa).



Many of the Roman captives captured contributed to the development of study and civil engineering in the Sassanid Empire. In the city where they lived, Gundesharpur (present-day southwestern Iran), hospitals and academic-related facilities such as libraries were also constructed.



Zoroastrianism, which worshiped fire and preached the confrontation between the god of good and the god of evil, became the most important religion of the Sassanid Empire. On the other hand, Christianity and Buddhism gradually entered the Empire. In the mid-3rd century, a new religion, Manichaeism, emerged that mixed these religions. Founder Mani advocated a doctrine based on Zoroastrian dualism (good and evil, light and darkness, etc.), and it spread from Europe to China after his death.



In the southern of the Arabian Peninsula, present-day Yemen, it prospered through trade (frankincense and spices) with the Roman Empire and Egypt via the Red Sea. And there were three Kingdoms, Himyar, Saba, and Hadhramaut. They had been fighting each other over control of the area since B.C.



At the end of the 3rd century, King Shammar of the Himyar joined forces with the Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum, which was across the Red Sea, and his kingdom became powerful. As a result, Saba and Hadramawt were annexed, and Yemen was unified by Himyar.



The Roman Empire also entered a new phase. In 212, Emperor Caracalla extended Roman citizenship to all inhabitants of the empire. As they became legally equal, the provinces, which were mainly economically successful, began to show signs of independence from the capital.




When the Sassanid Persian Empire was established in 224 and this emerging power began to repeatedly attack Rome, military personnel gained more say within Rome and began to influence the throne of the emperor. This was the so-called era of “Barracks Emperors”, and short-lived emperors were born one after another and disappeared through assassination or death in battle.



 Taking advantage of the instability in the center, some provinces began to claim independence from Rome. In the west, the Gallic Empire (present-day France) emerged, and in the east, the Kingdom of Palmyra (present-day Syria) also did. In particular, Queen Zenobia of Palmyra, is known for conquering present-day Turkey and Egypt, and for showing an unyielding attitude against the mighty Roman army.



In the end, these “independent kingdoms” were soon crushed when Rome regained stability at the end of the 3rd century, but those movements showed that vast Rome was no longer a monolith. Diocletian, who ascended the throne in 284, divided the country into four parts, and appointed four emperors, and controlled each region (Tetrarchy).


With this, Rome was finally able to end the era of unstable Barracks Emperors. However, by dividing the empire into four parts, this huge Empire would fall into the crisis of division many times after this.


208 赤壁の戦い(中国)

212 カラカラ帝、ローマ全土に市民権を拡大(ローマ帝国)

224 アルダシール1世 ササン朝ペルシャ興す(西アジア)

239 邪馬台国卑弥呼、魏に使いを送る(日本)

250頃 ササン朝、北インドに侵攻。クシャーナ朝解体(インド)

3世紀半ば マヤに大都市興る(中央アメリカ)

245頃 マニ教開かれる(西アジア)

260 ササン朝シャープール1世、ローマ軍人皇帝ヴァレリアヌスを捕縛(西アジア)

263 を滅ぼす(中国)

265 西晋、魏から帝位奪う(中国)

273 パルミラ王国滅亡(西アジア)

280 西晋を滅ぼし中国統一(中国)

291 八王の乱~306(中国)

293 ディオクレティアヌス、四分統治を開始(ローマ帝国)


208   Battle of Red Cliffs (China)

212   Emperor Caracalla extended citizenship to all of Roman Empire

224   Ardashir I established the Sassanid Empire of Persia (West Asia)

239   Queen Himiko of Yamatai sent a messenger to Wei (Japan)

around 250    the Sassanid Dynasty invaded northern India. Dissolution of Kushan dynasty (India)

Mid-3c   Great city established in Maya (Central America)

around 245   Manichaeism was established (West Asia)

260   Sassanid Shapur I captured the Roman Emperor, Valerian (West Asia)

263   Wei destroyed Shu Han (China)

265   Western Jin seized the throne from Wei (China)

273   Fall of the Kingdom of Palmyra (West Asia)

280   Western Jin destroyed Wu and unified China (China)

291   Rebellion of the Eight Kings ~306 (China)

293   Diocletian began the Tetrarchy  (Roman Empire)

前(2世紀~ローマの平和と紙と仏像~) ←   → 次(4世紀~認められたキリスト教~

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