


1世紀~西のローマ・東の漢・中東のイエス~ Rome of Western, Han of Eastern and Jesus of Middle East

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前(紀元前1世紀 ~内乱の1世紀~) ←   → 次(2世紀~ローマの平和と紙と仏像~


 An important figure who appeared in the 1st century was Jesus Christ. Rather, the year he was born was originally determined to be 1st AD, so naturally he lived in the 1st century. (The 1st century is the 100 years from 1st to 100th AD). Strictly speaking, there seems to be a little lag between the year of his birth and the Christian era…

中東(イスラエル/パレスティナ) Middle East(Israel/Palestine)


 Jesus was born in what is now Israel, which at the time was under the control of the Roman Empire. Israel is the home of Judaism, and because he tried to reform Judaism, he was executed by the Jews who opposed him. Jesus’ thought spread to the Roman Empire and the Middle East through his disciples, including Saint Peter (Pedro), and eventually became the world religion, Christianity.




 However, the Roman Empire at the time valued its own religion (polytheism), and monotheistic Christianity was sometimes viewed as dangerous as a new religion. Therefore, it would take 300 years for Christianity to be accepted by the Roman Emperor.



 The Jews, on the other hand, could no longer bear the rule of the Roman Empire and started a rebellion in 66 AD. But they were eventually suppressed and the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.

ヨーロッパ(ローマ帝国) Europe (Roman Empire)


 At the time of the 1st century, the Roman Empire had just begun imperial government under Octavian (Augustus). As a result, conflicts over the imperial throne often occurred, but society as a whole was more stable than in the 1st century BC, when civil wars continued.



 In 54, Emperor Nero enthroned. He is said to have imposed tyranny, blaming Christians for the great fire that broke out in Rome and oppressing them, and trying to forcefully steal wealth from the aristocrats when the financial crisis arose. Known as a tyrant. However, it is said that it was very popular with the public because it held many luxurious events (although this was the cause of its financial crisis…).




 From an economic perspective, trade flourished as the Roman Empire acquired the entire Mediterranean coastline, and wealth such as wheat, wine, and gold were brought to Rome from various regions that became provinces. On the other hand, Roman-style culture was transmitted to the provinces, and the “Romanization” of the people progressed.

東アジア East Asia


 In eastern Eurasia, the Han(漢) dynasty was entering a new phase. A man named Wang Mang(王莽), who was related to the imperial family, usurped the dynasty and changed the country’s name to Xin(新). Wang Mang embarked on land reform to eliminate the disparity between rich and poor, but many people opposed it, and in the end a great rebellion (Red Eyebrow Rebellion) broke out and the reform ended in failure.




  After Wang Mang’s death, Liu Xiu(劉秀), a distant relative of the emperor, ascended the throne. The capital was also moved from Chang’an(长安) to Luoyang(洛阳), so the subsequent Han dynasty is called the Eastern Han(東漢). By the latter half of the 1st century, the country was generally stable, and the teachings of Confucianism, which would form the basis of later Chinese society, began to spread. On the other hand, the power of the emperor did not necessarily extend to the local areas Here, powerful families managed vast lands (manors) and accumulated power.




 Japan was in the middle of the Yayoi(弥生) period, and the village in various places were gradually developing into kingdom. Among the rulers, there are those who borrow the power of Han. They sent messengers across the sea to the Eastern Han Dynasty, hoping to gain the emperor’s approval by becoming his vassals. It is said that in 57 A.D, the King of “Na”(奴) received a golden seal from the Emperor of Han.


インド・イラン  India and Iran


 As the great empires of Roman empire and the Eastern Han brought stability in the east and west of Eurasia, trade routes connecting them began to develop. The Kushan dynasty (Empire) in northern India, the Satavahana dynasty in southern India, and the Parthian kingdom in present-day Iran prospered as a trading hub connecting east and west of the continent.

アメリカ大陸 America


 There are many unknowns about the Americas. In South America, the Nazca culture, known for leaving behind geoglyphs, and the Moche culture, which produced a large number of vivid earthenware, arose. In Central America, an urban civilization such as Teotihuacan also emerged.


8 王莽、帝位を奪い、新王朝建設(中国) 

14 ローマ初代皇帝オクタヴィアヌス(アウグストゥス)没

18 赤眉の乱(中国)~25

25 劉秀、漢を再建し皇帝に即位(光武帝こうぶてい)。後漢成立(中国)

30頃 イエス、エルサレムのゴルゴダの丘で処刑される。弟子たちによりキリスト教成立

40 チュン姉妹、漢に対し反乱起こす(ベトナム)~43

48 遊牧民匈奴、南北に分裂(東アジア)

57 漢委奴国王、金印を授かる(日本)

64 ローマ大火 皇帝ネロ、キリスト教徒に罪を着せ弾圧。

66 ユダヤ人の対ローマ反乱~70(パレスティナ)

79 ヴェスヴィオ火山噴火 ポンペイの街、灰に埋もれ滅ぶ。(ローマ帝国)

80 コロッセオ完成(ローマ帝国)

94 後漢の班超はんちょう、西域(現在の新彊ウイグルなど)を服属させる(中国)

96 ネルヴァ帝即位。五賢帝時代始まる(ローマ帝国)







8 Wang Mang(王莽) usurped the throne and establishes Xin(新) dynasty. (China)

14 Octavian (Augustus), first emperor of Rome, passed away.

18 Red Eyebrow Rebellion (China)~25

25  Liu Xiu(劉秀) rebuilds Han(漢) and becomes Emperor Guangwu(光武帝). Eastern Han(東漢) dynasty was built. (China)

around 30 Jesus is executed on Golgotha ​​Hill in Jerusalem. Christianity was established by the disciples. (Palestine)

40    Trưng sisters revolted against the Han. (Vietnam)

48    The nomadic Xiongnu(匈奴) were divided into north and south. (East Asia)

57 King of Na(奴) received the gold seal. (Japan)

64   Great Fire of Rome. Emperor Nero accused Christians of crimes and oppressed them.

66 First Jewish–Roman War (Palestine)

79   Mount Vesuvius erupted and the city of Pompeii was buried in ash. (Roman Empire)

80    Colosseum completed. (Roman Empire)

94    Ban Chao(班超) subjugated the Western Region. (China Xinjiang)

96 Emperor Nerva ascended the throne. Time of Five Good Emperors began.

(Year unknown)

  The Kushan dynasty of Central Asia expands into northern India. (South Asia)Nazca culture and

  Moche culture emerged in present-day Peru. (South America)

  “Periplus of the Erythraean Sea” was written.

前(紀元前1世紀 ~内乱の1世紀~) ←   → 次(2世紀~ローマの平和と紙と仏像~

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